Rushing in the morning to get packed on vitamin C and omega 3 and having no time and stomach space to fill on both? Let us present to you the citrus, omega-3 rich and healthy breakfast that will start your metabolism right, add to your digestion as well as detoxify. The added advantage is that you can always experiment with the ingredients. Like instead of walnuts add your favorite nut, or add it on top of the walnut. Kids love it too!
Forget about classic porridge and chew with an open mind!
While having your delicious vegan breakfast it might be helpful knowing what you will be getting out of it in case you make a habit out of it.
Omega 3 protects your brain and mental health, vitamin C boosts your immune system, antioxidants can help slow the process of aging and may even increase longevity, while potassium helps maintaining healthy blood pressure.
You will need:
- 1 citrus fruit,
- 2 tbsp oat flakes,
- 1 tbsp chia seeds,
- 1 tbsp flax seeds,
- 1 handfull sunflower seeds,
- 1 handfull pumpkin seeds,
- 1 handfull raw almonds,
- 1 handfull raw walnuts,
- 1 handfull dried cranberries or goji beries,
- 1 banana,
- ½ tea spoon cinnamon
- 1 tea spoon raw honey,
- ½ avocado (optional),
- Cut fruits by choice (optional).
Firstly, have a hand full of almonds stay overnight in water. It is important to have it soaked because you get to rip even more benefits of it, like improving your digestion, therefore helping you lose weight, controlling your blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy. Pill their skin in the morning before you add it to the mixture.
Grab your favorite bowl of happiness and start by adding oat flakes, flax seeds and chia seeds. Then squeeze your morning juice. We like mixing it up, so we go with half grapefruit, half orange or mandarin. There you will have your Vitamin C for the day and help boost your immune system. If you are not a citrus lover you can use almond milk. Rich in vitamin E, almond milk helps prevent from cancer and slow the signs of aging. Soak the flakes and seeds in it for some time, depending on the time you have at your convenience.
Add pilled sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, crushed walnuts and the pilled almonds. Mix it all together and add dried cranberries and (or) goji berries. Add a dash of cinnamon for a greater taste and clear and radiant skin. Cut a banana on circles and keep your stress levels lower throughout the day.
You can also add any other fresh fruits that you can find in your fridge (apples, berries, peaches, pears), anything that will satisfy your palate. Avocado will make it even more nutritious. You can have it mashed or cut in small pieces. It will keep your stomach full for longer and burn carbs throughout the day, as well as increase your potassium intake.
It’s easy as that. Last but not least, a teaspoon of raw honey that makes it all sweet, gets you of your sugar cravings for the day and improves your immunity against many conditions, including heart diseases and cancer.
Enjoy your omega citrus morning, rip all the health benefits and tell us all about it.
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